Enterosorption is an effective method of detoxification

Thousands of years ago, healers used dirt clay and charcoal for the treatment of jaundice, poisoning and other illnesses. Methods widely used for purification of the body included bleeding, water procedures and massage.
How do you cleanse the “surplus”?
In recent years, various methods of detoxification have been practices, which can be divided into invasive and non-invasive procedures. Invasive procedures are performed through direct contact with blood. They are based on binding by sorbents of toxic substances by direct contact with blood and, therefore, are accompanied by various side effects (the traumatisation of blood cells, given that sorbents passing into the blood in the activation system of blood coagulation would require the introduction (high doses) of anticoagulants).
A non-invasive method of detoxification is enterosorption. It is based on binding and absorption of toxins in the intestine, using special drugs called enterosorbents. It is the safest, most effective method, with no contraindications. It is an ideal method of cleansing the body. In comparison with other methods, for example hemosorption, enterosorption has the following advantages:
• No need for surgical intervention in the circulatory system and, therefore, the consequent risk of possible complications.
• There is no direct damaging effect on the blood and lymph.
• Ease of use and ability to use at home or in the field, during competitions, for outpatient treatment.
• Complete absence of side effects.
• Allows one to obtain a pronounced effect of detoxification with lower material costs.
Both methods (invasive and non-invasive) are complementary. Invasive detoxification removes toxic substances directly from the gastrointestinal tract. Toxins will continue to flow from the intestines into the blood. Therefore, for greater efficiency in the invasive method, enterosorption should be added.
It is important to note that, ideally, the treatment should be only in the gastrointestinal tract. Do not penetrate its mucosa and do not destroy it (that is, the treatment should have a pronounced hydro-phobicity on its surface).
The treatment should actively absorb substances that damage the mucosa and help to create the conditions for its regeneration. In addition, it needs to create conditions for the development of the normal intestinal flora and facilitate the elimination of pathogenic microflora from it.
The most fully-specified requirements comply with the Enterosgel-based chelation protocol. It was developed by Soviet scientists for the Ministry of Defence in the 1980s.
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