ANDRI GEORGIOU:“Bringing beauty and light to the world”

We met this unique woman a few years ago rather incidentally, and since then she has never ceased to amaze with her energy, efficiency and positive attitude towards life. Well-known Cypriot publications often write about her – and we could not resist either.
Andri Georgiou, a Cypriot who looks like a star that stepped off the red carpet, is a surprisingly modest and charming person in life. She gladly told Premiere about the long road to fame and success, about her credo and motivation for new achievements.
Starting point
Having opened her first hairdressing salon back in 1982 in the village of Kakopetria, Andri soon spread her wings and flew out to conquer the world: Paris, London, international competitions at the Jacob Javits Center in New York – first in hairdressing, and then in cosmetic care. Then there was a return to the country and the opening of the French salon Dessange in Nicosia, which revolutionized the Cyprus beauty industry of those years and immediately became a place of attraction for the fashionable and aristocratic audience. Then it went on a rolling spree: the opening of three Quick Spa salons in Nicosia (2008), Limassol (2010) and Larnaca (2014) …
Today, the empire of this fragile woman includes several Quick Spa salons throughout Cyprus, the Dessange salon in Nicosia and the only active medieval hammam Hamam Omerye, famous throughout the country. For 40 years, the professional team of Andri Georgiou has been promoting spa services in Cyprus with great love and dedication, reaffirming the quality and high level of service every day to hundreds of clients who visit Quick Spa, Dessange and Hamam. They have 73 employees, plus their own training school for face and body care professionals.
Life Rules
Andri has a passion for excellence in everything she does. She inspires and energizes her employees, whom she chooses, as she herself says, “based on their character.”
In addition to the incredible passion for work, there is another trait that always accompanies her – integrity. Andri Georgiou always knows what she wants and clearly sets priorities in life and work. Today she is an iron businesswoman, and tomorrow she is a caring mother and grandmother who spends all her free time with her half-Russian grandson.
Andri: “I have always taken an example from my father, who was a man of action, not words. I like to talk about what I am doing, and not about what I plan to do. Ideas and words alone are not enough, action is needed. This was and remains my main principle. “
“I put a lot of passion into my work, but also, honesty – another trait that I believe came to me from my father. I admire many people for their success in life, but just as what you have done or what you have achieved is important to me, so is the path you have chosen to reach your goal. “
“When professional search, love, perseverance, hard work and passion for excellence accumulate in a business, then dreams bloom and creativity rules the ballroom.”
“I consider blessed a person whose mind feeds on any stimulus for creativity.”
“I recommend that everyone always rely on their skills and knowledge, and not on ephemeral “acquaintances” and the help of third parties, which, in such a small society as Cyprus, often turn out to be not what you expected. This is the only way to achieve recognition, which, I assure you is the best reward!”
About Goals
Andri: “How you achieve your goals is worth much more than the goals itselves.”
“I am confident that success is achieved through the right choice of partners and, above all, their moral level. That is why I recommend making sure that the people with whom you work like what they do. There is no success without love for what you do.”
“You need to constantly work on the ability to develop and maneuver to be able to adapt to new situations. I always saw the bright side of any goal, walked towards it with confidence, and was ready to take risks.”
“Success is the biggest reward when you flirt with risk to reach your goals!.”
About Beauty
Andri is a gorgeous, well-groomed woman who has given to many people the opportunity to take care of themselves – she herself devotes a lot of time and effort to constantly keep in shape. Daily morning jogging, sports, healthy eating and a positive outlook on life are her personal beauty recipes.
Andri: “For me, beauty is not only physical harmony, but also inner warmth emanating from a person. Nowadays, you can rarely find such beauty of the soul and moral perfection.”
About Dessange
Andri: “The world famous brand originated in Paris and managed to spread to all corners of the planet. Today it is the only luxury chain that provides Total Beauty services in 600 salons in France, and in 300 around the world. Having become acquainted with the brand during one of the fashion shows in Paris, I realized that I had found my home. Without thinking twice, I became a member of the international beauty empire Dessange and in 2002 opened the French salon Dessange Wellness Day Spa in Nicosia – the first beauty and style center of this level in Cyprus. Thus the dream has become a reality for my team, friends and clients, with whom I have shared the magic of the Parisian world ever since. Here they can experience the unique charm of fashion and style that only Dessange has to offer!
“Here everyone is greeted with a smile that promises a magical and relaxing journey into the world of beauty. Dessange consultants are always ready to listen to you and offer services that match your wishes, style and way of life, whether it is a personal hairdresser consultation, professional massage or cosmetology. Dessange perfectionism is present in everything – from service, hygiene, comfort to the highest level of technology of our craftsmen – this is our main feature. “
“Using different ways, I am working to make every woman believe in her value and her own style, starting from our main accessory – our hair, and to the face and body.”
“The sensual woman of Dessange lives every moment, trying new things, always moving forward, knowing what she wants from life.”
5 Aipeias str., Egkomi, 2411, Nicosia
+357 22464333
About Quick Spa
Andri: “Quick Spa is the embodiment of a new philosophy in the field of absolute beauty. The basis of this philosophy is that every visitor can quickly and economically use all the available spa services from experienced therapists. This approach has been formed by understanding the needs of our customers over the years – by virtue of high occupancy, they could not afford frequent long spa rituals.With the advent of Quick Spa salons, it became possible to receive a whole range of procedures in just an hour: from manicure, pedicure and styling to massage and facials. Speed, quality and impeccable hygiene are what unites the entire Quick Spa family. “
“Taking care of your appearance has long ceased to be a luxury and has become an urgent need, and we awaken the desire to take care of ourselves and treat ourselves, not only among women, but also among men. A family friendly atmosphere reigns in all our salons, and an approach to each client, regardless of gender, is always uniquely chosen.”
Quick Spa Limassol, 161 Arch. Makariou III Avenue Akapnitis Court, 1st floor, +357 25 111777
Quick Spa Nicosia, 8A Mnasiadou street, +357 22 422422
Quick Spa Larnaka, 27B Makariou III avenue, +357 24 651000
About Hamam Omerye
The famous Turkish bath complex Hamam Omerye is a historical gem in the heart of the Old City of Nicosia, next to other ancient monuments such as the Omeri Mosque and the Archbishop’s Palace. The hammam was the first building that the chieftains built after they managed to overcome the walls and capture Nicosia in 1571. The building was erected with donations from Lala Mustafa Pasha and named after Caliph Omar – and the whole area was named Omeriye.
Interestingly, from the XIV century until the Turkish capture of it, the site of the hammam was home to the Augustinian church of St. Mary, built by the French Lusignans, and later supported by the Venetians. Much of the original building was destroyed by Ottoman artillery, although the main entrance door remains from the original Lusignan building, and on the northeast side of the monument, you can see the remains of the later Renaissance period.
In 2005, the complex was awarded the Europa Nostra Prize for the preservation of its architectural heritage.
Andri: “In 2010, I visited Istanbul for the first time by the invitation of Hillary Clinton, who organized an international conference of women leaders there. I was among the 17 representatives of Cyprus. There, within the framework of the free program, I first appeared in a real Turkish hammam, and it was then it occurred to me to implement all this here in Cyprus – especially since there was a non-functioning medieval hammam in the center of Nicosia!
I got fired up with this idea and began to work on its realisation. Together with my team, we went to Istanbul to study the Turkish bath techniques Kese Borek. We rented the entire Hamam Omerye complex and renovated the interior in accordance with medieval traditions. With the help of beautiful curtains, accessories and traditional objects, we have created an incredible atmosphere of comfort and warmth, which immerses you in the world of oriental fairy tales “A Thousand and One Nights”. So in 2015, the doors of Hamam Omerye opened – the only active medieval bath complex in Cyprus. “
If you want to get a glimpse of the history and culture of our country, plunge into its past – you should definitely visit this unique place. Try the ancient Kese Borek cleansing procedure, then relax under the experienced hands of a masseur, and finally taste oriental tea with sweets – a pleasant experience that will stay with you forever.
Plateia Tillirias, 8, Nicosia
+357 22 460 570, +357 22 750 550
What would you wish our readers in the New Year?
Andri: “I wish all of us a wonderful, fulfilling Christmas and a bright New Year filled with joy, happiness and sincere laughter. Let’s go through the coming year hand in hand with the determination to replace all the bad in our daily life with morality, love and care. Let them prevail in all that surrounds us, making the world beautiful for us and our children. “