Do you run along the seaside? Can you stand in an asana without difficulty? Do you swim 5km before going to work? Super! Yet, you still won’t be able to impress your friends. Premierе Magazine has gathered the newest fitness trends that will surely inspire you for new sport adventures. Cycling while listening to a DJ set, dry rowing and wet boxing… these, and much more, will be the new trend in 2020. Have a fun fitness!

Cycling + movie
As a child, your favorite toy was a bicycle, but then you ended up sweating on a gym’s stationary bike, right? Now there is a solution for you that will allow you more enjoyable cycling at numerous studios around the world. There, movie and music lovers have the chance to combine hard workout with pleasure: turn the pedals to watch your favorite movie or concert. You can burn fat while enjoying the film or spectacle of your choice. Such training seems to be created for those who value every minute and follow the rules of effective time management.
Clubbing lovers have the opportunity to attend intensive cycling sessions with DJ sets in cycling studios. At the end of the workout, they can even enjoy a glass of champagne (we won’t lecture you on the dangers of alcohol right now!).
Dry rowing
Undoubtedly, rowing is an effective sport. For those who want to do it all year round, fitness clubs offer simulators to simulate the workout of a rower in a boat. There are no pastoral landscapes in the gym, but the cardiovascular load remains high. As a bonus, various muscles of the whole body are involved, not just arms and shoulders. It also provides the opportunity to enjoy a single “row” or attend group training.

Les Mills
We owe the popularity of this group training to Australian athlete Les Mills. A certain series of exercises should be performed at a brisk pace with no less invigorating music. You can burn 700 calories per hour. It is worth noting that a quarter of the program is constantly updated so that the body does not adapt to monotonous physical activity. Thanks to the numerous devotees of Les Mills sports philosophy, it is available in various forms, including Les Mills Grit, Body Balance, Les Mills Barre, Body Jam.
Trampoline Fitness
Not only children imitate adults; adults are also often inclined to imitate the little ones! This is how fitness on trampolines emerged. Not only will you be charged with positive energy, but you will also benefit your whole body. It is believed that 10 minutes of training on a special round trampoline equals an hour on a treadmill, as 600-1000 calories are burned in 60 minutes. Being an aerobic exercise, it includes elements of dancing, stretching and special exercises to strengthen muscles. The popularity of jumping lies on the fact that such fitness activity seems more like a game than a serious sports training, and the sense of flying guarantees a good mood.

Bosu fitness
Bosu fitness is not losing ground. Bosu is an abbreviation of the English expression Both Side Use. It is based on the Bosu Balance Trainer simulator, which looks like a flying saucer or half fit ball. The elasticity of the simulator can be adjusted according to the load and the type of exercises. The surface of the simulator is unstable, so that the vestibular apparatus is strengthened, and the posture becomes straighter. Bosu fitness is suitable for Pilates fans who want to try something new.
Wet boxing
Fitness trainers take the best of popular sports, mix and match, make the necessary adjustments and… Voila! A new sport is born! If rowing can be dry, then why can’t boxing be wet? The trend was introduced by athletes from Malaysia, who started using boxing bags filled with water, instead of sand. Aquabags protect joints much more and, as they say, it feels much better to hit them.
For boxing enthusiasts, classes in fitness studios which look and feel like nightclubs are also available, with relevant music and tracks, specially selected for a particular set of exercises. If you follow all the instructions of the trainer, in an hour you may burn up to 1000 calories.

EMS and VR fitness
This seems to be the ideal sport for those who have been fond of fantasy since childhood. For EMS training, you will need a special suit that allows electrical impulses enter the body. To many it feels more like a relaxing spa treatment rather than an actual workout, yet, the muscles do work and the results are quite visible.
VR glasses are needed for immersion in virtual reality, where you can “perform” any physical activity – from skiing on the Alps to conquering the Australian waves.
In essence, this is fitness for the lazy; yet even if there are no intensive moves, the muscles will still contract. Hence, only 30 minutes of EMS training equals three busy hours in the gym.
Rock climbing
Life in the modern world is quite safe, especially compared to our ancestors’ survival struggle. Therefore, it is not surprising that we are trying to add some level of risk and danger to sports, like for instance rock climbing and extreme sports. At the climbing wall, you will first be briefed, asked to do a warm-up, and then you can climb the walls. It’s cool to observe your own progress! Each time you’ll climb higher and higher. This is not an intensive form of fitness (300-400 kcal per hour) but you can effectively tackle your fear of heights.

Yoga on a hammock
Exercising on hammocks are not as easy as they look, despite them being performed in zero gravity. Their main difficulty is to maintain balance. This unusual type of yoga (Fly-yoga, Antigravity) builds the muscles of arms, abs, back and buttocks, but also stretches and relaxes the body. A significant benefit of hanging on a hammock is the spine stretching. This type of yoga is recommended for people who have a sedentary job.
Floating Fitness Mat
Floating Fitness Mat is perhaps the most instagramable sport in our selection. It involves water training sessions on Fit Mat platforms that have nothing to do with water aerobics or swimming. Even if you perform standard push-ups, squats and straps, the unstable floating design will allow you to use completely different muscles. An additional benefit is that you enhance your balance, which is extremely advantageous for the body. In general, this is an excellent substitute of boring swim laps in a pool.

Runs in European capitals
Marathons held in different cities of the world are always popular. Both professional and amateur athletes regularly check the schedule for such events, planning their vacation or a weekend getaway accordingly. This way, not only can you run a few tens of kilometers (or any comfortable distance), but you can also see the attractions of a new city. Isn’t this incredibly convenient? Mark your calendars: this year there are marathons in St. Petersburg, Russia (June), in Wroclaw, Poland (July), in Helsinki, Finland (August), in Stavanger, Norway (August), in Nur Sultan, Kazakhstan (September), in Frankfurt am Main, Germany (October), in Valencia, Spain (December).
Online marathons
When the world shrank in a smartphone screen, online marathons became popular ways for people to learn foreign languages, programming, psychology, Internet marketing and, of course, play sports.
For example, in Russia, the online marathon #pressthebody by the fitness blogger Natalya Davydova, also known as @tetyamotya on Instagram is in big demand. Now it has successfully moved to another platform and got its own free Welps application.
Equally famous is the #Sekta Perfect Body Online School, which will monitor your eating habits and ensure that you complete at least the minimum amount of training.
In the 21st century you can engage in fashionable fitness anywhere in the world with minimal cost, or even completely free.
New sports
Even the International Olympic Committee from time to time includes new sports in the winter or summer Olympic program. So, this year, as part of the Summer Olympic Games, five new sports will be featured: baseball (softball), karate, rock climbing, surfing and skateboarding.
Therefore, do not be surprised when your favorite fitness center introduces innovative activities, even if you don’t always know what is hidden behind their abbreviation.
Sports Travel
An emerging activity and market is fitness tourism. Fitness tourism programs offer a complete immersion: training several times a day, a variety of physical activities, proper nutrition, meeting like-minded people. An example of fitness tourism is SlimFitClub, founded by the famous fitness influencer Polina Kitsenko. The studio offers skiing in Swiss Andermatt and St. Moritz, and family camps in southern Tuscany, bike rides in postcard landscapes of Europe, and even sport girls parties Slim Bitch Club . No less interesting is what happens between the intensive training sessions: lectures on Mozart or Klimt, classes on behavioral economics, and excursions to places where tourists are usually strictly forbidden to enter.
No article on sports and healthy lifestyle is complete without advice on walking more often and using the elevator less often. In the end, it is not so important whether you choose interval training in a trendy fitness club with a famous trainer or long walks along the sea with a dog. The main thing is to do this regularly and with pleasure! We are sure that our selection of the new trends in sports will help you make a choice of your liking.