Vyacheslav Butusov. Nautilus — 35

Vyacheslav, with words of great gratitude for the opportunity to communicate with you, I would like to talk about life through the prism of your present perception of things. What artists inspired you to choose this creative path and what was the most important moment in your life?
The whole period, from the 7th grade (14 years) up until the end of the Architectural Institute (24 years), I actively absorbed music. For ten years, there was different ‘‘music’’ — first Melody records, then mainly tape recordings of numerous rock bands. There was a range, from the domestic vocal and instrumental ensembles, like Funny Guys, Singing Hearts and Pesniary to the Beatles, Led Zeppelin and King Crimson.
When your musical and literary works are created, does the hand of the ‘‘Great Architect’’ participate in the process of creation?
It is required. These are my professional skills obtained at the Institute. I always have in my head a scheme of the canonical warrant. That is, a certain order of construction — The foundation, the base, the bearing structure, the overlap and the dome. Text is a solution that holds together all architectural elements.
Are there lines in your poetry that have become a guiding star for you?
I use classical guidebooks, like the Bible and world literature. My lines are a representation of already known world meanings, but I learn and cultivate them.
What was, from your point of view, the rock culture of the turning-out 80s and what is it now?
This was the period of the New Wave musical style. It was neoromanticism, plus easy sloppiness, as we understand it. Now, these stylistics have become numerous because they multiply through crushing and, thereby, crush themselves. In general, little has changed. The statistics are stable — Out of a hundred collectives, three represent a longterm interest.
Recently, the temple of Seraphim of Sarov was built in Cyprus by a Russian monk and the name of the saint shone with a new light on this land. In many interviews, you refer to the Holy Scriptures and talk about faith. Tell us how you came to it and do you have a patron saint?
I, initially, considered my correspondence teacher to be Serafim Sarovsky and I am very glad that, in Cyprus, there is a temple in this name. I also have great respect for Paisy Svyatogorets. My immediate heavenly patron is Saint Vyacheslav and, in orthodoxy, I evolved because of my wife, Angelica. She brought me to church in a literal and figurative sense.
What fills you with the word LOVE and do you consider yourself to be a happy person?
Love is the Lord God. Love is something in which there is not a drop of filth or bad thoughts. ‘‘Unfading colour of purity’’, as they say in the prayer of the Most Holy Theotokos. I have no reason to consider myself unhappy. I have a part of God in me and I am a part of God. I love my family and friends. I loved by my family and I am a happy man.
Is it hard to carry, on your shoulders, the ‘‘sweet burden of glory’’ of a cult musician?
The Lord gives us all the strength. It’s a sin to complain. Let this weight be useful.
What are you going to present during the upcoming concert in Cyprus?
It will be the programme, ‘‘Goodbye, America!’’, dedicated to the celebration of the 35th anniversary of the Nautilus Pompilius group. There will be all of the most favourite songs of different periods, with a beautiful video series, designed specifically for this programme.
Share with our readers your creative plans for the future.
First of all, our thoughts are occupied with the release of the tribute album ‘‘Goodbye, America!’’, which is timed to the beginning of the concert tour ‘‘Goodbye, America!’’. For the future, our new team is preparing its premiere album, where we will hear songs born in the last period of time. The studio is my element and I’m very interested to hear how the new material will sound.