Konstantin Raikin: “The Play is a Score of your Feelings”

On the eve of the main cultural events in May, there will be a performance of “Over the Sky Farce…”, with the author and main character, people’s artist of Russia, Konstantin Raikin, who was interviewed by the founder of the project “Cyprus Mind Games”, Vitaly Babarykin, and Alla Shokin.
Konstantin Arkadievich, what event of your life has had a major influence on you?
Probably, my birth.
Do you remember your childhood dream?
I’m not a dreamer. In reverie, there is something from Manilow (the character from the Dead Souls, the novel by Nikolai Gogol). There is some evidence of immaturity of the soul and this is not good, especially for men. I’m more of a doer. You just have to want these desires to accomplish them. Set a goal and go for it.
Must people adhere to their principles? For what can you neglect your principals?
Sometimes, your principles can be very uncomfortable and, let us say, cruel for you dear people. For the sake of your dearest people, you can give up your principles.
Are you a fatalist? What do you use to rely on? Fate, friends or just yourself?
Fatalist is a week man, thinking that nothing can be changed. I rarely like this. We should try to change circumstances, but not to obey them. No wonder there is a saying that character is destiny.
If you hadn’t become an actor (just suppose), then what would you be?
It would not be me. This profession is part of me. Being an actor, I can be anyone. This feature is one of my favourite things. On stage, I always play different people and not necessarily actors.

Without what qualities is it impossible to be a true artist?
No talent and no will.
How do you prepare for going on stage, to get ready to perform in a play?
For different performances, I prepare in different ways, but the mood is a must. Without it, work can become sloppy.
What emotions happen after the show? Devastation demanding immediate retreat and rest, or…?
I have so many classes that I have no time to reflect. Fatigue is treated by another type of load. I just continue to work. It is much better to teach than rest and, in general, the better the actor plays his role, the easier it is to relieve tiredness.
Solo Performance is the lack of on-stage colleagues. Is it more difficult for the artist?
Both are difficult. Acting, in general, is a difficult profession.
In the film “Moscow does not Believe in Tears”, one of the characters claimed that soon, “there will be nothing: No movies, no theatres, no books and no newspapers…just one big TV”. Fortunately, he was wrong. Why will people never stop going to the theatre?
Because the base arts, which include theatre, will never die.
What qualities are most attractive to you in women?
The same as in men: Loyalty, strength and kindness, but all of these qualities do not depend on gender.
What is unacceptable?
The absence of mind and dignity.
Which city and country (besides your motherland) do you love and why?
I really love Italy. Every year, I’m in Venice. This town is always telling me something and always inspiring. I have an incredible impression of America. I first fell in love with this country and then began to bring friends so that they could also see this country with their eyes.
Much has been made about your incredibly brilliant performances and talented pupils. Have you reached the top and conquered everything, in your opinion? Is there anything left that you have not conquered?
I refer to this in not such a romantic way. If you need a top, come and conquer it. Go and achieve what you have not yet achieved. The arts, for me, are a solid plateau at any stage and it is an endless road, as well. I will try to travel on this road as long as possible.
Poetic solo performance of Konstantin Raikin in:
“Over the Sky Farce…” will be held on May 24th, at the Municipal Theatre of Limassol, “Pattichio”.