The memory of generations is one of the most important and valuable, in my opinion, phenomena that many peoples and cultures have experienced. It has a huge number of hypotheses, theories and definitions, while remaining virtually unstudied in the end, but it holds a lot of secrets and mysteries. A large number of literary sources devoted to this topic present the material to the reader, often proceeding only from cultural and ideological views or analysis of life observations. But, is it really so important and critical to understand how our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers lived? How do their lives, in a completely different time frame, reflect and influence us today? After all, now there are other rules and circumstances of life, and indeed, “I have never communicated with and do not know a part of my kin, so that they could somehow influence me.” Yes, the questions are, of course, interesting and ambiguous, while modern science is ready to give some entertaining ideas for thinking about the realities of our being.
This time, I want to give you a brief overview of psychological theories (according to our tradition, there will be three), which are able to largely describe the relationship between us (in the present) and our parents, our “rake dances”, behaviours and styles of life or relationships. This is only a small part of the great wealth that will be presented in the script of this article. By the way, about the script! With this script, we’ll start with…
Welcome to the world without boundaries of time!
At the moment, in the psychological community, there is a widespread notion of the so-called scenario of human life. It should be noted that this concept is present in different psychological directions and modalities, with each having its own specific tint. By itself, the term ‘scenario of life’ describes the process of gradual realisation of a certain plan of life, which, in turn, is formed by parents since childhood. Four main scenarios are considered in psychology:
– Scenario of the winner – “I am good, they are good, life is good.”
– Scenario of a loser – “I am bad, they are bad, life is bad.”
– Pessimist scenario – “I am good, they are bad, life is bad.”
– Scenario with an inferiority complex – “I am bad, they are good.”
According to the theory of the famous psychologist and psychiatrist Eric Lennard Byrne, the founder of transactional analysis, there are three main types of scenarios:
– The winner is a person who is able to set goals and achieve them in full, regardless of competition and the power of confrontation.
– The non-winner is a person who spends his entire life maintaining a certain comfort zone or position within himself and society.
– The loser – a man-problem, often in the role of the victim.
The exact scenario in which a person lives can be observed in his life position. Each scenario will be reflected in different areas of life. This theory is described in detail in psychological sources and has a wide practical application, both individually and in group work, and is the basis in many transformational training sessions. The basic idea is that parents or other emotionally significant individuals place (on the levels of the child’s psyche) certain beliefs, rules and reflections, according to which, in the future, the life path is realised. But, you and I understand that our parents, at one time, had their own parents, and those parents had their own, as well. At the same time, knowledge of the situational features of the lives of our parents and their parents can significantly help us in disentangling restrictive schemes (for example, when dealing with fears) that prevent the presence of happiness in our lives. After all, many of the beliefs stored in our head are imposed (not related to us and our life) and outdated, which, by definition, does not benefit us. Work in this direction is characterised by a move toward ‘exiting the scenario’.
Is this possible? We will find out later.
Another method that is extremely controversial, while winning recognition and gaining a positive response, is the method of arrangements. The main idea of this approach is the ability to see ‘from the side’ what or who exactly was the cause of certain “failures” in your programme of achieving the desired. In this concept, we can openly say that the unfinished business of our relatives, which we subconsciously seek to complete, is embedded in our “today”. The fact of life after death, through our feelings and experiences, is, here, taken as a given. Participation in the arrangement session is possible in two positions: the client – your request is being processed, or the substitute is a participant in the session who can fulfil the role necessary for the client to be placed. The arrangement phenomenon is that it can reflect what is happening in the client’s subconscious, thus making it possible to realise the root causes of a system failure and, of course, interact with the system itself to resolve the current uncomfortable situation.
This session (please pay attention to it) is conducted by a certified line-up manager who regulates the rules and processes of the entire session. The effectiveness of this method depends on many factors. Nevertheless, certified practicing psychologists accept this method as effective for resolving life conflicts and situations. According to experts in this direction, in 70% of cases, the cause of many psychological problems and diseases is a violation of family ties and family history. In parallel with the history of the development of arrangements, many myths about the method itself appear. It is necessary to recognise that some of them have a place to be. For example, “Deputies in the arrangement cannot be trusted – they give out their projections”, or “In the arrangements, the problems of someone else’s role will stick to you”. Well, what can I say? For any work using an altered state of consciousness, you must be confident in your own maturity and the stability of your psyche.
Finally, I would like to tell you a little about transpersonal psychology. One of the schools of this modality is quantum physics, which fully describes the interrelations of time, space and, most importantly, the phenomenon of non-locality of fields. Remember the “butterfly effect” – about the fact that everything in our world is connected and one? So, when working in the key of transpersonal, with the client’s request, you can safely catch, from the subconscious level, the enormous pain of unlived loss or an unbearable desire to prove to the whole world their right to live, or the desperate hatred of men and much more that is not related to biographical human experience. Where do these experiences and feelings come from? Why, periodically looking at historical films or reading characteristic books, can we feel, on our own skin, what it feels like to be defeated on the battlefield, or what it means to be betrayed by your loved ones, although, in reality, we are in a relationship with a trustworthy partner? What is melancholy and for whom or what do I yearn for, living a bright and dynamic life? Where are all these memories of experiences that are non-existent in reality, while having weight here and now? It is important to note here that transpersonal psychology is the only approach that has an extended cartography of the structure of personality, according to which it identifies and considers three categories of consciousness:
– Personal – perinatal development of the psyche and obtaining primary experience.
– Personal – biographical experience – “I am within my own personality”.
– Personal or transpersonal – “I am the Universe”.
Thanks to numerous studies, transpersonal psychology can assert that the memory of generations exists and is transmitted to us at the gene level, along with the brightest and most significant feelings. Yes, according to the general concept, “we sound in time and space with the voices of our children”.
But, what do we do if these voices “clog” our own sound? No, I’m not talking about great psychiatry at all now. I mean a certain scenario, which we spoke about at the beginning. Can I get out of the script and start living my happy life?
– Yes! Sure you can! This can and should be in order to maintain physical and psychological health in order to develop and acquire new skills corresponding to the new time; to live in harmony with oneself and the world. To have a sense of satisfaction from the work you are doing and to become successful in this business or to leave it without regret is paramount. Clearing our consciousness, we get the opportunity to get as close as possible to understanding ourselves and, most importantly, to feeling true. Unleash your potential and be realised in life.
Of course, this will take some time. It should be noted that the identification of the scenario itself and its awareness, subject to the readiness and motivation of the client to work, does not take much time, but the ‘flashing’ of old behaviour patterns and reactions will require significant resources. This fact is explained by the physiological features and the phenomenon of neuroplasticity of the brain (we spoke about the latter several months ago). Like it or not, the brain and the cognitive-behavioural coefficient are very important. In any case, it is necessary to remember a few, in my opinion, important rules of such work:
- Ensure the competence of your chosen specialist.
- Listen to yourself: How ready are you to do such work?
- Work in altered states of consciousness requires sufficient maturity of the personality and sufficient stability of the psyche.
- Any work with the use of altered states of consciousness has its own list of contraindications, and your specialist must acquaint you with them.
- In order to work beyond the boundaries of the brain, make sure that the brain is ready for this work.
Take care of yourself and your time.
Be healthy!
Anna Danilova
Ready to answer all of your questions – [email protected]