Silence as the Supreme Art of Communication

As a society of expressive individuals, we enjoy talking a great deal. In order to get in as much as possible, we often speak in a hurry or hurry others who are speaking to us. Interestingly, after ending such a conversation, we soon forget about it.
The benefits of silence
Instead of pausing and trying to understand the other person better, we are often wrapped up in thoughts about how that person could have expressed himself better. When we speak, our brains are fully-occupied with how to make sure our words are very clear and understandable because we know that the way a person speaks tells you a lot about how he was brought up.
Still, the fact is that it is far easier to distinguish between a well-educated man and another person by the way that he listens. This is the basis of the «art of conversation and the art of silence». We know that effective leaders spend 70% of their time listening to others and only 30% talking.
With a companion who really listens, it is much nicer to have a conversation. Our silence is proof that we are very interested in what the other person is saying.
Features of silence in dialogue
Have you ever used silence to express your point of view? If yes, then you can understand how powerful this communicative tool can be. Silence creates a great context of meanings. It may shed light on the essence of the conversation or cover it with a veil of darkness. Proper use of silence is one of the greatest abilities in spoken art.
Benjamin Franklin, on one occasion, said:
«It is important not only to be able to say the right thing at the right time, but also to be able to say nothing when you really want to speak.»
Silence helps us to understand the deeper meaning of what is at stake. We can use silence to strengthen our understanding and learn more about the people around us. Silence can say that we take good care of a loved one, carefully listening to him and absorbing his thoughts. One look into the eyes of a person can tell you more than all of the words in the world. Thus, silence could have a greater impact on a person than the words that are spoken.
On the other hand, silence can become a weapon if our intention is to hurt someone or to show our discontent.
Openness of silence
Silence is hard, to say the least. Try to spend a good amount of time looking at another person without speaking. In so many ways, it must be said that words and oral language have less to do with communication and more to do with avoiding real communication. The truth is that when you do not want to say anything, language is very useful. You can surround yourself with a cloud of words and hide behind them. Alternatively, when there is silence, you cannot hide anywhere. You are undisguised and naked. In silence, you are vulnerable and left wide open. That is why people never want to be silent; it is simply too dangerous! Anyone can hurt you when you do not have words as your protection.
Silence — is always true. Silence — is sincerity.
«When the heart begins to speak, the language is silent …»
When a young person begins to explore the world, he asks a lot of questions. When he gets older, he begins to talk a lot. Only when a person perceives the eloquence of silence does he become an adult.
Silence is an art form that is not easily accessible to everyone. Before we can learn how to be eloquent in silence, it is necessary to live a life. Those who discover the wonders of silence come to a grand realisation that «For that which cannot be expressed in words, it is possible to transmit it in silence.»