Sex, Love and Blood Type

Without exaggeration, we can say that sex is the secret core of human life and one of the main springs of its life realisation. No matter how diligently we hide behind masks of indifference, pride, rejection or feigned ease in a relationship, our true desire is to recognise the opposite sex or group of people to which we relate in a special way and experience certain feelings.
Sigmund Freud wrote a lot about the pattern of the influence of unconscious sexual programmes on the psyche and human behaviour. After many decades, they are still relevant, as lying at the heart of human relationships is the libido. Hidden deep in the sub-cortex, it determines our intentions, thoughts and actions.
Very few people have freed themselves from the influence of this predominantly unconscious trait. Those who have manage to cross the threshold of sexual desire and reach an absolutely new level of existence, in which there are no bodily temptations. Everything is simple and understandable. The rest of the “un-enlightened” can try to deny their proclivities any number of times, however the hidden sexual attraction will still lie at the root of their life’s actions.
Have you not wondered why a person who turns his own libido into violence is rejected by society and is perceived as an animal, while works about love, kindness and tenderness, created by an author to also satisfy his desires, is encouraged? Everything is natural! We recognise the beauty of relationships and reject simple indulgence to instincts.
Within sex is a special orientation of this universal social phenomenon. It accompanies a person in life, determines the love or dislike of people to each other and, in fact, is the core of their life relations. The high meaning of sex is that it can be not only the result of physical attraction and a means of reproduction. When the relationship between two people is transferred to the personal creative field of each, sex, as litmus paper, reveals either an altruist ready for anything in the name of a loved one or an egoist who wants only for his/her own comforts. In most cases, it is sex that generates love, and the spirituality of the relationship is added with time. Then, sex becomes really sublime and qualitative. The mysticism of sex is that it becomes the source of understanding of the higher forms of “relationship” between two people.
Talking about sex can be endless: Terminology, emancipation and fears, fantasies and games, etc. Today, we will discuss the idea that a person’s blood type can tell much about his/her sexual preferences. When considering men and women, their compatibility and ideas about sexual life may be revealed in this simple way. It’s only from the outside that it appears that everyone is the same. In fact, this is completely wrong because a person may feel things that he/she is ashamed to say aloud. The composition of human blood affects temperament, behaviour, manners, feelings and character. It determines not only taste preferences, but also sexual fantasies. Not only psychologists, but also haematologists (blood experts) refer to this compelling theory more and more often.
As it turns out, even the smells of people of one blood group are similar, so it is not surprising that we can be drawn to certain partners. This is facilitated by the composition of pheromones. Nature has ensured that men and women with the same groups create relationships and start to have children.
So, a person has four main blood groups. All over the world, they are designated with numerical and literal symbols: O (I), A (II), B (III) and AB (IV).
Ι: This group are typical hunters, conquerors and leaders, both in life and in bed.
These men, as a rule, have powerful sexual energy. They are active and passionate lovers who are used to seeking their partners at any cost. It should also be remembered that passion and desire continue as long as the woman remains unapproachable. It’s worth it for the man to understand that she is ready for everything, as soon as he immediately loses interest. Women need to learn to use this fact to their advantage. Men with the first blood group always want new adventures. They often have a large collection of pornographic films and magazines and, at parties, he is the first person to offer up obscene stories and jokes. Thoughts about sex will occur every 10 seconds throughout life for this man! However, this man will not always think about the needs of his partner.
Women of this type are very passionate and capable, at a glance, of conquering anyone. They are hard to access and sometimes seem cruel and selfish, but they cannot help falling in love. In bed, they are real predators and will not tolerate slack, very quickly losing interest in “tamed” males. If a man wants fierce sex, then his partner should be a woman with the first blood group. Her passion knows no inhibitions. Men who marry individuals of this group will never feel a lack of affection. These women are ideal lovers who almost always justify a partner’s expectations. They have a very passionate nature, but are able to control their libido with the help of willpower. For this reason, such a beauty is difficult to seduce and her sexual temperament is often intended only for her husband and is known only to him.
ΙΙ: This group is judicious, with a consistent personality. As in life in general, they are waiting for a good moment, or an excuse.
These men are patient and calm. They court beautifully and are ready to please their partner. It is representatives of this type who paint love letters on asphalt, under the window of passion. Such men need a constant reminder that they are loved, otherwise they have unreasonable grievances and emotional disruptions. They are shy and indecisive and almost always identify sex with love. Basically, these are delicate and attentive lovers. Sex with such a man will be ideal in the presence of deep emotional contact. Despite all of this, the sexual fantasy of this shy lover is unusually rich, but in real life he is very reserved. Therefore, he will either be excessively exacting to his partner or he will ignore his own sexual desires. Very strong doping for men with this second blood group is alcohol.
Women with this second blood group are always waiting for trust in a relationship. They skilfully fill the house with warmth and comfort and love compliments and attention. If such a woman is suspiciously silent, she is clearly dissatisfied. Overlook this moment and you better be ready for a quarrel. It is women with this second blood group who have a reputation for being “business and non-sexual”. To advance to intimate relations with such a lady is a challenge, as sex takes very little place in her thoughts. These are the most passive mistresses who often have sex contrary to their desires, though it is almost impossible to incline them to sexual experiments, seen by them (in principle) as a form of treason. Still, if a man succeeds in liberating such a woman, then the incredible will happen. She will become passionately passionate. A man who achieves this can claim the title of a real sex hero.
ΙΙΙ: This group is made up of independent nomads, single by nature.
These men are absolutely independent, often very secretive and have the same non-binding attitude to sex. In fact, for them, sexuality is little related to concepts of ‘love’ and ‘marriage’. A man with this third blood group easily enters casual relationships and likes to meet with women like him. On the other hand, he thinks less about the rest of sex, as this is a very ordinary occupation for him not requiring any extra thought. Failure for him is not a problem, as he does not turn this into a tragedy. With this attitude towards sex, a man with this third blood group can calmly talk about his adventures in all the details and colours, even when considering his lawful wife.
Women of this blood type are picky and tend to change their sexual partners. Flirting without obligations is their favourite entertainment. As a rule, they lead an active sexual life, very quickly getting carried away and losing their heads. If such a woman is married, then she strives for peace and comfort and becomes a faithful and very jealous wife. Representatives of this third group understand that their truly theatrical sexuality is an important part of attractiveness. They are absolutely uninhibited and do not attach importance to sex. In fact, it’s no problem to change a partner for them. This woman is not easy to give pleasure to, as she is very demanding on the quality and amount of sex. Men who are trying to please her often do not understand how a partner can so lightly and negligently treat their efforts.
: This group consists of chameleons, capable of adapting to any type.
Men of this fourth blood group have a real talent for circling their heads. They, themselves, fall in love and are ready for incredible feats. In bed, these are violent lovers who have no equal. Sex, for them, is solely a process for the sake of pleasure. Few of these men become husbands. Mostly, they remain faithful only to themselves for the rest of their lives. It is extremely difficult for them, if not almost impossible, to keep their passion under control. However, they turn sex and seduction into a real art. They will never look for adventures. Instead, adventure will find them. This type has magical magnetism, which drives all women crazy. Ladies literally fall into the arms of men with this fourth blood group, even knowing that they risk becoming the next tick on their list. The most interesting thing is that, in marriage, such men are rather reserved. They do not marry for sex and, accordingly, will not require their second half to often perform their marital duty, as it were.
Women of this fourth group are very contradictory. Indecisiveness and constant doubts do not give them rest. Firstly, love and care are needed by them and, at any moment, they are already to take care of their beloved. As for sexual life, they begin to live late, but from sex they try to take the maximum and completely give up simple passion. Intimate relationships, for them, are closely connected with love, and not with easy flirting. Such a woman is a born “sexopathologist” and any man with sexual problems can greatly change his life by getting to know her. A lady with this fourth blood group is very sensual, sexy and easily achieves orgasm. She is a versatile sex partner. Such a woman can have an orgasm with any average man. She equally enjoys and likes gentle sex and rude, raunchy sessions, depending on the partner’s preferences. About such a strong libido, many ladies can only dream.
Male and female O (I) blood groups:
Physical contact for this pair is necessary constantly; otherwise there will be no happiness. They have an absolutely harmonious and diverse sexual life.
Male O (I) and female A (II) blood group:
Ideal partners for sex. He is active and she is in his power. With only persuasion and caresses, he will be able to completely liberate her and let out a real volcano of passion. Most importantly, do not rush and press on the partner.
Male O (I) and female B (III) blood groups:
He is more active than she is and that’s exactly what they need. They get pleasure from sex everywhere and anywhere and at any time.
Male O (I) and female AB (IV) blood group:
Relationships in this pair directly depend on the behaviour of the man. Patience and care guarantee a gentle and harmonious intimate life. If he is demanding and selfish, sex will be mired in strife.
Male A (II) and female O (I) blood group:
This couple can spend a lot of time in bed, as sex is important for both of them. Intimate foreplay is essential for a quality process and finish.
Male and female A (II) blood groups:
For a woman of the second blood group, this is the best combination. This partner understands her from a half-look and, with him, she can achieve the highest pleasure.
Male A (II) and female B (III) blood groups:
These people talk more about sex than they ‘do’. No diversity in intimate life, everything is very boring and primitive. The robustness and lack of sensuality of both lead to disappointment in bed – and they could have had crazy pleasure if only they were a little more liberated.
Male A (II) and female AB (IV) blood group:
Complete fiasco. This couple will, most likely, never have an intimate life. Oral sex is not even subject for discussion and the missionary position dominates. As well, they tend to engage in sex very, very rarely.
Male B (III) and female O (I) blood group:
Together, they learn new techniques of sex. A woman is an invariable leader in such relationships, but his sexual talents will not remain invaluable.
Male B (III) and female A (II) blood group:
A woman likes non-traditional types of sex and the partner is also not against experiments. In addition, the partners are equally active, which gives them a special pleasure.
Man and woman in (III) blood groups:
The intimate life of such a couple is rather mediocre, without much pleasure. Partners need to constantly improve in sexual technology.
Male B (III) and female AB (IV) blood group:
A very temperamental couple, they are enthusiastic experimenters, able to try a huge number of variations in sex. The best option for compatibility is when the man is younger.
Male AB (IV) and female O (I) blood group:
Sex unites them. They can become a very happy couple if the man can adapt to the wishes and temperament of the partner.
Male AB (IV) and female A (II) blood group:
The man is very passionate and likes to have sex often. However, if the partner does not have strong feelings and reciprocal fire, their connection is unpromising.
Male AB (IV) and female B (III) blood group:
They have sex less often than other couples, but are quite satisfied with their intimate life. They are unfamiliar with rigidity and disrespect for each other.
Man and woman AB (IV) group:
In this pair, sexual possibilities are endless. They either achieve full understanding and harmony in the intimate life or they turn out to be complete opposites. If you are creative with sex, there will never be any problems in this regard.
So, hooking up with a new acquaintance with the prospect of starting a vibrant relationship, ask what blood type this man or woman has, just in case! Possibly, the many unforeseen twists and turns in this union can actually be “foreseen” from the very beginning, with the right information.