Alla Shokina: “The Best Life Possible”

10 years of my life were spent in this exciting, but, oddly enough, unloved area of work. Money was spent and commitments were made. It was never easy. After each individual project, the phone of life seemed disconnected.
Recently, an acquaintance of a large Moscow theatre actor admitted: «Played today as in cotton wool. There is no return». Triumph may seem inevitable, but all «actors» live in their favourite business and it is not easy to suffer temporary setbacks.
Every day is filled with hard labour and bouts of good luck. Are we aware of this? A certain friend of mine complains about life as follows: «At work, badly, and at home, just disgusting. The working world is filled with collegiate bastards, in my estimation. My wife does not understand. My relatives are moral monsters. Sometimes, I feel that I would be better off if I gave up everything and went as a sailor on a barge». Still, these realities will not go away. Hope is not enough. All I can do is whine about life in all possible ears, if that makes sense.
One of my good friends, without fear of delegating, left a successful business and a five-room apartment in the city centre. He scooped up life into his arms, took the family dog and went to a beautiful Mediterranean island because «40 years of life has just begun». Another friend settled in Miami and met a beautiful compatriot. The father of this elegant and robust fellow sends me messages on Facebook about the «eternal summer» there. Soon, I will fly, in order to appreciate this reality.
For life to change, it is not always necessary to change countries. If you like your home, stop endlessly criticising it. Instead, plant a flower in the courtyard to make it your own. Learn something new and change for the better. Meet people and widen your social circles. After all, they are invaluable.
So, after that 10 years , at a New Year’s Eve, I made a decision to change something. Or everything. And booked a plane ticket to mountains. The next day, I would be getting involved in some kind of sport and joining a tour that all the participants dubbed «Lost». It was damp, cold and hard…and very friendly (filled with very often remarkable people). With my head thoroughly aired, I arrived home richer for the experience and with a clear algorithm to follow. My decades of experience had been hidden in the «memories» section of my brain. Now, they would be harvested for fresh ideas and a new style of dress, with the geography of the world widening the circle of communication available to me. The only thing to change now is the name. Or surname at least. )))
The poet Levitansky said: «Everyone chooses for themselves woman, religion, way» .
Dare I add my own amendment — and a better life from all things possible!