Singer Valeria: Dreams Come True

Singer Valeria is a woman and an actress who has not had the easiest fate, but, for many years, she has been one of the brightest and most charming people on the Russian pop scene. She shared her philosophy with the readers of our magazine.
About the stage and charity:
This year, you participated, for the first time, in the Cyprus-Russian gala, all funds from which went to the fund to help children. With charity, you are not ruled by other’s actions. Did you not have an idea to open your own fund?
Now, many people open charity funds and these are very important, but I think that, in our country, the credibility of such undertakings is slightly undermined; although, probably, if it was my own personal fund, it would be successful. Thank God that I have enough credibility to be trusted, but it is difficult to address this topic thoroughly.
Once, you said that you are for a long professional life, while you were in the musical ‘Olympus’. Are you for singing for the time being to your very limit, like Alla Borisovna, or do you believe in leaving the stage at a good time?
Did I say that? (laughing). Singing is necessary when you are in demand, but not as an encore to a long career. This often comes down to luck. While people want to see you and go to your concerts, it would be dishonest to leave everything and go because, for many, an artist is a kind of landmark. For many, you are a friend on the stage. People follow your life and creativity and can motivate you to do something. While the public has a need to communicate with you, in one way or another, it seems to me that communication needs to continue. When it is no longer necessary, this is always felt. Very often, a moment comes, completely unrelated to age. A man sings two songs, but then he does not develop if there is no interaction with the public. That is when it is time to leave. In this sense, I am a very happy artist because I have had a long enough life on the stage and, fortunately, there are no changes planned in it.
Looking at you, I would not say that it is so long.
(Laughs) Thanks for the compliment, but the facts are stubborn things. I, also, would like to focus only on external factors.
What is the stage for you in a couple of words?
My life. For a long time, this was the only place where I could be myself. Then, it became a place for revelations. I want to say that, in life, surrounded by people, I feel not quite comfortable. In anarrow circle of friends, I like joking, laughing, gushing and arranging some games. In a crowd of people, I do not like to pull on a blanket, attracting attention to myself. Attention is a bit off for me, but, on the stage, everything is completely different. There, I feel freer than in some life situations and this, by the way, is not unusual.
Maybe it’s because you are blinded by the lights of the stage and do not see the audience?
No, I do not like not seeing the hall. I love the twilight and, when there is total darkness, I’m just terrified. I need to see the first rows; the faces and the eyes and not the collective image of the viewer in the form of a black mass.
About yourself
You look amazing. Once, you said that your favourite dish is roast potatoes. So, you do not deny yourself such harmful weaknesses?
It’s one thing to love and another thing to eat (laughs). This dish I have loved since childhood, but, if you ask me now what I like from food, it’s as if a fried potato will come to mind.
And what comes first?
Here, syrniki comes to mind, but I make it with stevia. This, by the way, is the only dish that I miss when I’m abroad.
And what about Olivier salad?
In general, it is an absolutely ‘‘do not miss’’, even on New Year’s Eve. In general, I do not understand why I gorge on New Year’s Eve. I think it should be a dinner, even a late dinner at 8 p.m., and, at midnight, you can symbolically drink a glass of champagne to the sounds of the chimes. In our country, though, at midnight, the very highcalorie part of the holiday begins. Fortunately, this opportunity is, personally, in my past, since, for so long, I have worked on this special night.
What is your temperament type?
I’m not very good at this. Sometimes, it seems to me that I am a choleric person, but, then, I discover that I am a sanguine person, but certainly not a melancholic person. I would say sanguine, occasionally turning into a choleric person.
Your motto or inner hymn — do you have one?
‘‘Do not complicate anybody’s life’’. There are such people who are trouble-makers — that’s not me. I feel uncomfortable if I give someone discomfort. Life is already a complicated and confusing thing. Why bring any more difficulties into it.
Do you consider yourself an example to follow?
In some ways, probably yes. I do not know, although everyone has skeletons in their closet…in a sense. Of course, yes, I think.
How can you describe yourself?
Recently, on the internet, there was an interesting psychological test. I completed it three times and all three times, the result was the word ‘‘peacemaker’’. I really believe that this is true because I am constantly a peacemaker, especially in our large family. I work as a fire extinguisher! It is this quality that gives me the opportunity to regulate all processes in the family. This, of course, is tedious, but effective.
About family
Do you think that partnership is the ideal form of marriage?
It seems to me yes, because, for example, Joseph and I, besides personal relations and besides the lyrical part, are interested in each other because we have a common cause. In partnerships, there are many more advantages.
Not every woman thinks so. Many dream of being married – ‘‘for a husband’’; in his shadow and doing nothing.
Here, of course, much depends on the woman, herself, and on how comfortable she feels, completely dependent on the man. In most cases, men start using this situation and, in the end, everything ends not in favour of the woman. It should remain interesting for her husband and, for this, she must be interesting to herself, somehow developing and moving somewhere. I believe that such a marriage is doomed to failure because there will certainly be someone else more beautiful, interesting and attractive.
Have you managed to achieve the ideal of family life?
I think we are far from ideal, although, despite everything, this marriage has lasted longer than all of the previous ones. So, something has happened better this time.
Could you forgive your man of infidelity?
Earlier, I would say no in categorical way. Now, I could not even imagine it. In our case, it is impossible to imagine. We are together 24/7 — infidelity is even physically difficult to implement. Although, if you really wanted to, you could find an excuse to leave, but since we are always together, I see that this does not happen and there is no interest in female partners, except me…not in the slightest. We can even just sit together and enjoy some beautiful passing girl, just as an object of aesthetic pleasure.
We, in Cyprus, reign by matriarchy and, in most cases, women rule. What do you personally choose, between patriarchy and matriarchy?
I, of course, vote for matriarchy for one simple reason: It seems to me that most women are peacekeepers. Well, they will not start a global war. They can use other levers to resolve issues that are less bloody than masculine. Woman, by cunning and wisdom, will find resolution to any sharp corners and they will be bypassed. When they say that men are henpecked, I always remember Rostropovich in such a situation, who always replied: ‘‘Yes, henpecked, but what a heel!’’, referring to Galina Vishnevskaya. In fact, everyone should have their own zone of responsibility and, if a man loves and respects his woman and allows her to have a lot of power, it does not mean that he is henpecked.
It’s great when a man consults with a woman. Joseph habitually discusses with me all of the questions, even those in which I do not understand anything; for example, the subtleties of banking matters. He knows that I will answer: ‘‘Do as you see fit’’. Here, we have always found compromise.
It seems to me you are still not quite a typical case.
Well, maybe you are right because I do not have much experience with this part.
You travel a lot. In what country do you breathe the same way as at home?
I really love Italy. Italy is a culture; a country with centuries of cultural and historical heritage.
What is happiness for you?
No misfortune. This is when nothing bad happens. Live for yourself and rejoice.
What do you most expect from the future?
I would like to continue to wish to move forward; to never come to a state of internal fatigue or apathy.
What do you dream about?
Every day brings something of its own and, sometimes, something opens up to you completely unexpectedly, when you did not even dream about it. It happens when people suddenly meet and start communicating. It takes you to some completely different side, which you did not even think about before. So, I do not know what will happen in ten years, what kind of meeting will push me into something or open something in me or inspire me to something. Everything can change at the same time. I remember my first meeting with Joseph. I could not have even imagined that it would be fateful in my life because I did not do anything specifically for this. It all happened quite by accident. Although we had met before in a fleeting moment, years went by and, apparently, it was necessary for me to go through what had passed, then to deserve this meeting.
I think luck is karmic. Do you personally believe in karma?
A lot is predetermined in life and one better look at the signs and listen to oneself in order to catch these vibrations. Yes, it seems to me, some forces really push me to get into some situations and help. Perhaps, we had to go some particular way to earn such moments in life and to draw some conclusions in order to learn something more and to appreciate.
We are approaching New Year’s Eve again. What do you wish for our readers in the New Year?
I would like them to keep on dreaming because dreams come true. Once, I read in a book on psychology that what you need is not just a dream, but a model and a picture to put inside yourself, as if you already have it. Really, remembering myself as a child, I understand that I imagined myself as an actress on stage, as if I really was her, and when I’m asked the question, “Did you dream of being an artist?”, I always answer: “I did not dream — I knew”.
“Three sketches of Lucian Freud” by Francis Bacon
Francis Bacon was an English expressionist painter and a master of figurative painting. His triptych, in 2013, became the most expensive work of art in the world. “Three sketches of Lucian Freud” was sold at Christie’s auction for a record sum of 142 million dollars.
The triptych, created by the artist in 1969, was auctioned for the first time at a pre-sale estimate of 85 million dollars. Bidding lasted only six minutes and the auction house did not disclose the identity of the buyer. Each part of the triptych has the same size of 198×147.5 cm. Each canvas depicts Lucien Freud in different poses, while seated on a chair is the artist Lucien Freud. The background is orange-brown, which is brighter than normal for the works of Bacon.
“Number 5” by Jackson Pollock
“Number 5” was completed in 1948 and utilised the technique of spraying, which is the corporate style of the artist. The picture size is 243.8×121.9 cm and is mounted on fibreboard (hardboard).
In 2006, at an auction organised by the auction house Sotheby’s, it was sold for 140 million dollars. It is believed that the hype surrounding this painting was created artificially. All of the paintings of Jackson Pollock were presented in museums and sold freely. Yet, “Number 5” was hidden and shown only when all of the other artworks were sold.
Consequently, the price of the painting went up to the heavens and broke many records. The original painting was in a private collection and was then exhibited in the Museum of Modern Art in New York. It then became the property of producer David Geffen. Who sold it for $ 140 million? According to unconfirmed reports, it was a famous Mexican billionaire.