Anatomy of happiness. Part 2 WHO IS THE HEAD IN THIS HOUSE?

According to the ideas of modern physics, everything materialises out of a vacuum or vacuums, conditionally having zero density and energy. This emptiness has been called the ”quantum field”, as well as “zero field” or “matrix”. Like waves in the sea, all organisms, planets, stars and galaxies are the creations of a field or emptiness.
“The only reality existing in the universe is the field”.
The questions arise: What is the origin of matter from the field (emptiness, vacuum)? What kind of power governs the movement of matter and makes it react? What becomes condensed and most interesting as it becomes reality? What or who is the creator of matter?
Speaking of the mind, we are essentially speaking about the very “spark of God” – Our consciousness and the power of thought, capable of controlling matter.
At the same time, modern discoveries of quantum physics do not contain anything new. In many ancient Indian, Persian, Chinese and Slavic mystical texts and teachings that were previously considered secret and were only available to a few, it was said that there is no distinction between thoughts and objects. Take, at least, the “Kibalion” of Hermes Trismegistus.
Everything in the world is energy. Thought is also energy. The universe reacts to the impact of thought. The purity (accuracy, strength and clarity) of thought influences the purity of its embodiment. These tenets are guided by the world-famous book “The Secret”.
Thought is material, in the literal sense of the word. Our thoughts, habits and emotions depend greatly on the conditions under which our life passes, what it will be filled with and what we will receive as a result. Potentially, we are all creators of our lives and can manage its qualities. Potentially! In order for thought to control reality, it must concentrate, become condensed and approach in strength and frequency those vibrations that we want to influence.
For this, we need a certain tuning of our transmitter (brain) and all of its elements:
- The purity of the outgoing flow is important. It is the hygiene of our mind. Our thought should be kind, bright, direct, charged with success and filled with the energy of desire and faith. For the purity of the experiment, doubts and options are not allowed. You can not spread the thoughts of the tree if you want to get something concrete instead of formless hash.
- We must have the power to realise desire. That is, the thought must turn into a clear intention, leaving no doubt about success and the result.
- It is also necessary to have our resources (latitude and depth) – The energy to retain and apply the results that we want to receive.
- The last element of the embodiment of thought in reality is the habit – A strong and stable neural network and the habit of thinking and behaving optimally.
We have just identified the items necessary for the fulfilment of any desire. It turns out that not everything is so simple and these principles do not start to work immediately. However, the good news is that, in mankind, these mechanisms are built in by default.What coaches do not usually say, when promising to teach you the fulfilment of desires, is that the most important, essential condition for the realisation of thought is a positive emotional state – A good mood. Our thoughts must vibrate at a high frequency.
The state of happiness is a necessary condition for fulfilling your desires and managing reality!
Thought as energy, refracted through the body, becomes emotional and tangible and, coming out of our transmitter (brain) into the world, takes the form of information flow (written, said and subtle) (thought as idea). Note that a thought always has the property of being felt and visualized. It can even have a smell. We are much like a knitted plaid, as, on the shoulders, there is a feeling of warmth, softness and hairiness. Thus, emotions and emotional intelligence play a crucial role in the formation of thought and, accordingly, reality. If you are emotionally unstable, you are in mental anguish. Then, there cannot be any control over your own reality and words when the energy necessary for creation whistles through negative emotions and the vibrations fall to the level of experience and suffering.
Therefore, any control of reality and the fulfilment of desires begin with the stabilisation of emotional background and the development of emotional intelligence. The main condition for the realisation of intentions is our capacity to stay on high vibrations. High frequency is the emotions of happiness, joy, faith, gratitude, love, confidence, passion, enthusiasm, power and positive expectations.
To be clear, everything is written down in our DNA from birth, but everything can be changed through proper training of consciousness and building up the necessary neural networks (habits). It is possible and necessary to train the consciousness to fix itself at the level of constant, quiet, tranquil happiness, which is felt as a kind of field of grace around you. They will say: “It glows from within”.
The play of words has an interesting parallel with the latest discoveries of quantum physics. The energy of thought at materialisation first becomes light.
How many repetitions does the dog need to learn this or that? How many repetitions does a person need to develop the desired neural network?
You can regard the process of gaining neural networks and adjusting to positive emotions of happiness as too long, for it takes from 28 days to a year or more. The length of the development of a particular habit depends on the information that was originally embedded in the DNA at birth. Count how many years we have worked with, for example, the habit of thinking negatively; accumulating the pain of the whole world, reacting to the news on television, discussing the miserable existence of Raskolnikov or the suicidal tendencies of Anna Karenina, singing “the guy fell in love with her misfortune”. All of this is recording, in our subconscious, patterns of unhappy fate, miserable thinking and the destiny of the sufferer. The good news is that it’s not painful to become happy at all, but, on the contrary, it’s simple and easy.
We can change any program of our body and our life, be it wealth, youth or relationships with a partner. Remember the films “The Matrix” and “Wild West”? Depending on initial information and perseverance, different people will reload a different time, but the result is scientifically justified and guaranteed.
Modern psychology offers various programmes for recording the desired neural networks and developing the habit of thinking as a successful and happy person. Today, this direction of psychology is developing by leaps and bounds, following the latest discoveries of quantum physics, biochemistry and genetics.
For the continuation, read the next issue…
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