Spring Psychological Detox

These first warm days, no doubt, should not be spoiled by avitaminosis, fatigue or a bad mood. With respect to vitamins, all is, more or less, clear, but how do you deal with toxic feelings and thoughts? We suggest that you to conduct a psychological detox, in order to spend the spring in a great mood!
The key idea is to do everything without haste and fuss. Intrusive internal monologues must be put on pause. Here are some good strategies to help:
- Drink a glass of water, slowly.
- Say the phrase: ‘‘Although everything is exactly as it is, I will be able to make this day much better’’. Search out what thus means to you.
- Turn off the phone. Completely disable it, and not just the sound. The gadget must not be on at all. The best thing to do is leave it at home or in the office and go…
- … for a walk! Walking or jogging will do. You can even just sit in the fresh air, alone in silence, and meditate for twenty minutes. Weather also does not play a special role. It is well-known that it is not about bad weather (especially in Cyprus), but about unsuitable clothes.
- Upon returning, make a cup of tea with ginger, lemon and honey. Lightly cool it and drink, enjoying every sip.
- Go into the shower or take a bath. ‘‘Soaking’’ for hours is not necessary. In fact, twenty minutes will be just right. When you are done, pour in some cool water (in the bath) and then actively rub yourself with a towel.
- Very slowly and calmly drink a detox smoothie.
- Enjoy reading something. Choose a book that you are interested in or pick up your favourite magazine.
- For advanced and creative solutions, try ‘‘antistress colouring’’. Flowers, mandalas or anything that your soul desires would be appropriate.
- If you have a couple of hours, watch a good movie — an entire film, without interruptions, advertising or popcorn. For example: ‘‘My Blueberry Nights’, ‘‘Eat, Pray, Love’’, ‘‘Divorce in a Big City’’, ‘‘Exchange Holiday’’, ‘‘Knockin on Heaven’s Door’’, ‘‘Handsome’’, ‘‘Good Morning’’, ‘‘Always Say Yes’’, ‘‘Good Year’’, ‘‘Angel-A’’ or whatever you like.
- It could be nice to finish the day by cleaning. This is not just a routine to put everything in order, but it is meant to get rid of unnecessary things. Throw things away, erase unnecessary files from your computer’s memory and delete contacts on your phone (and, perhaps, release these people from your life).
The minimum programme should include a glass of water, a walk, a shower and tea. Afterwards, try to assess yourself and your situation again with the fresh look. Well, is it not better?
Such detox is definitely an express method, but it would be good to turn it into a habit and repeat it from time to time, according to your needs or just for prevention. You ask, “What is psychological here?” It is the decision to change your state of mind, mood and selfawareness; to get up and do something for yourself. Remember that rapture with your own misery is a stupid occupation that can drive you into even darker depths of depression.
If the described ‘‘home’’ method does not help you at all, perhaps you have run yourself too much and your own resources are not enough for a full recovery. In this case, do not try to ‘‘work out’’ your problems with friends in the kitchen, where you are unlikely to solve them. Rather, get a fresh perspective about what you are dealing with. Contact a good psychologist with whom you will find a common language and feel a sense of trust. Working with him/her, you will save yourself a lot of time and energy.