Julia Komninos. Biological and Artificial Intelligence: Mission Defined

Biological and Artificial Intelligence: Mission Defined
By: Ioulia Komninos
Msc (Hons) International Economist MGIMO 1992
Bsc (Hons) UMIST 2001
Associate of Chartered Institute of Bankers (London) 2001
To understand well artificial intelligence, or “AI”, one must understand biological intelligence or “BI” first. “BI” has been around us for thousands of years. “AI; has been around us for less than a century. We are, now, often less concerned with how the human body and humans are functioning and more concerned about how the government is using “BI” to rule society. Why? Because the advanced digital super robots, called “smart contracts”, are, in a sense, a virtual digital government, empowered with enough “AI” to rule human society better than a modern day or historical bio-government.
The modern-day bio-government is basically a twin-fold bio-robot. One of its functions is to create money or fiat currency and to maintain a dual-entry registry. Problems are settled using so-called bio-consensus protocol between the international banks (Bank of International Settlements, International Monetary Fund, World Bank) and within national central banks. The other function is to create universally accepted rules by way of linguistic codes in the form of laws and maintain their enforcement. The problems are settled using so called bio-consensus protocol between nations (U.N.) and within nations (parliament, executive branch, and judicial power – courts). There is also a possible third function of the present bio-government. That is, to maintain, within society, a constant state of fear or anxiety, so that the earth is unable to function as an interstellar information hub between the sun and outer space.
All in all, most of society has accepted the first two basic functions of the bio-government and become a part of “BI”.
The trust around “BI” is based on the two pillars. The first pillar is that the spoken and written language of “BI” is understandable by all within their nation states. English becomes an international language of “BI”. The second pillar is that the constitutions of modern-day national states are, at least, in their language, protecting basic human rights. So, every man or woman does understand the code (read language) and shares the principals the programme (read constitution) is functioning for.
“AI” was designed on the same structure. Instead of population, we have digital or virtual agents with digital or virtual IDs instead of passports. Instead of government, we have digital super robots. The difference is that most of the people do not understand the programme codes and robots have zero interest and/or ability to be engaged in human rights. So, “AI” is, basically, an idealistic idea to replace governments with digital robots and to create a virtual government, which can be more effective than the bio-government. The passport part is easy. A passport is, basically, a paper-made certificate of the ownership of the holder by his or her respective government. A digital passport, or digital ID, can also be a certificate to validate that the virtual agent and/or the virtual person belongs to a specific super robot. The second part is difficult. How do we teach or programme a robot to recognise that human rights are of top value and the most valuable thing on the planet Earth? How do we teach or programme love and compassion? These are the functions of the earliest and the most advanced part of human brain, called the “neo-mammalian brain” or “neocortex”. Yes, one can encode the robot with functionalities of the reptilian or the oldest part of our brain, which is basically “hunting by deception”, but no further. So, “AI” has a limit, in that it can be used only to replace the reptilian part of our brain, or the part which was already replaced or superseded by the advanced “neocortex”. “AI” is a step back, and not a step forward.
Saying that no one would complain about using robotic machines is hostile to the human environment. These are basic utilities, which a modern society needs. Without quantifying morality, no “AI” can replace a present day structure of human life. Having said this, some of the modern-day governmental functions may well need to be replaced by “AI” or by digital robots. This is, for instance, the automation and administration of various analogue block-chains.
Analogue block-chain is, basically, a text in common language (say English), which cannot be altered once published on the block-chain without the consent of at least 2/3 majority of the block-chain network owners or stakeholders. The text or code of the analogue block-chain must not be binary and must not be written in any known programme code, but, instead, must be written by an ordinary alphabet, in a common language understandable by all block-chain stakeholders. This way, any group of people can adopt a constitution or their supreme code of law and be sure that no one can change it without at least a 2/3 majority.
The replacement of the 1st pillar of bio-government or the printing of fiat money and maintaining a ledger so that inflation is under control is not an easy task. Crypto-currencies of the last 10 years or so are, in effect, very little of crypto. There has been no major breakthrough in crypto-science in the last decade to justify the emergency of crypto-currencies. Crypto-science won’t be, at any time, in the public domain and it is a branch of advanced mathematics knowledge which is a rare talent among most of the population. The modern-day major fiat currencies are based on a degree of trust in bio-governments, their power and historical record. No technology or group of people can create such trust over night. No reptilian brain can be behind such a trust, as deception is a part of its function. Nevertheless, the good cause of the post-gold standard monetary system, or the introduction of fiat money and central banks, is as a tool to spread manufacturing risks, which has led to modern day financial crises, when most of the fiat money bypassed manufacturing into saving of major banks and credit institutions. So, trust and historical records of bio-governments cracked.
The political and economical establishment was fast to justify the gap by the concept of de-industrialization and the theory of limits in the division of labour.
While the reverse of the half-a-century old industrialisation is a probability, the results of the microchip revolution and, hence, the widespread availability of huge computer storage and computer processing power makes de-industrialisation efforts bound to fail.
Huge computer and processing power made possible the invention of cryptocurrencies and decentralisation in the distribution of wealth. Investors are no longer at the mercy of the political and economical establishment and now have a tool to invest in manufacturing by using smart contract robotic technology.
So, instead of reinventing trust, economic agents now have an opportunity to create private money and direct its flow into the most productive areas of the economy, using “AI” technology, including block-chain. So, “BI” found a way to use “AI”, and not vice versa. This is a key to understanding the future of “AI”. “AI” is not about spying on your lifestyle using CCTV. “AI” is not about driverless cars or face recognition. “AI” is about having your own robotic private bank that will issue private money for you or your group needs.