Bizantium: The Fall and Resurrection

By: Ioulia Komninos
Msc International Economist, Bsc (Hons), Associate of Chartered Institute of Bankers (London)
Outwardly, it seemed that Constantinople had just reached the tops of welfare. The harbour was overwhelmed by alien ships. Wealthy people bought imported costumes, wonders and luxury items. The grandee-bribe takers, foreigners and nouveau riche hurried to beat out palaces, villas and personal churches, but the province was ruined. The villages were empty and abandoned. Cities declined and foreigners settled. Arabs, Armenians, Syrians and Jews bought houses and land for a pittance. The Greek population, by hook or by crook, moved to the capital. Here, the standard of living was quite different, and only here could one live comfortably on construction sites, in the port, in the service of the rich or in a criminal environment. Constantinople turned into a parasite-metropolis, sucking juices from its own country.
This is astonishingly relevant to a modern-day description of life and is from a famous historian study of the last period of the Eastern Roman Empire and Byzantium existence. Byzantium was one of the most advanced bio-governments in the history of mankind. For a detailed description of the functions of bio-governments, please refer to the article “Biological and Artificial Intelligence: Mission Defined” (Premiere Business, December 2018-January 2019 issue, pages 78-81).
It is not a coincidence that the cycle of life has brought the modern civilization to the same situation that Byzantium was facing right before the catastrophic fall, after more than one thousand years of unparalleled glory, but the magnitude of the fall we are risking at the present time is, by far, bigger than the fall of Constantinople. While a gold rush replaced Christianity in Byzantium and led to its fall, technology becomes a new religion and replaces whatever is left from Christianity to-day. This article is about the future of digital technology as a new religion and its effect on society.
Very few technologically and bio-chemically advanced people understand digital technology at its core. It is mostly bankers and market makers who become the prophets of the crypto-currencies and artificial intelligence. Most of them know little or nothing about the algorithms and hardware behind this technology, but most of them are ambassadors and inheritors of the very same families and dynasties which looted Constantinople for almost fifty years, starting from the Fourth Crusade in 1204.
Good and nice on the surface, every peace of digital technology available to the public today is an elaborate way to extort your money and degrade you as a human being.
Take a look at e-mail technology, which was invented in the early years of the last century, but only became widespread in the 90s. 90% of e-mails are spam. If not filtered by major mail service providers, one would estimate that 98% of the e-mails are spam. 90% of the internet web sites are related to drugs and porno. Social media, while flagging nice social interaction, is, in reality, diluting the real face-to-face social bonds; degrading the users and consuming their valuable time, at the expense of family or business time. So, digital technology is a modern-day Hollywood movie industry, with one thing in common: the use of natural motion mechanics or NMM, as well as mental psychological disorder (MPD). NMM exploits the reflexive desire of most humans for discovery, while MPD targets and feeds so-called virtual reality or duplicity. The use of NMM is so precise in modern digital technology that the developers calculate the dopamine and the endorphins cycles of the victims. Yes, the victims! We are all the victims of a force that is manipulating our hormones to their end…and this end is clear – your money. Mass digital technology is used primarily for the manipulation of wealthy humans into a state of expenditure.
During the fall of Constantinople, the rulers, including Manuel Komninos, made a vast mistake. They brought the technology from abroad. They forgot that the glory of Byzantium was based on an economy based on internal production and internal demand. Every peace of technology is good if it is naturally and slowly developed in your society. We will possibly never fully discover who developed modern digital technology, but it is clear that it is all about your money, personal data and manipulation of your mind.
Today, we have a choice to master our bio-intelligence and re-built our society on the absolutely different principles of charity, faith and honesty and not on the principles of hurt and deception.
In 2017, Cyprus made a historic move and adopted the Law About Associations and Foundations and Other Related Issues of 2017. Article 23 defined the key objectives of faithful activity: (a) the determent or alleviation of poverty; (b) the promotion of education; (c) the promotion of health or the saving of lives; (d) the promotion of the development of citizens and of the community; (e) the promotion of the arts, culture, cultural heritage or science; (f) the promotion of amateur sports; (g) the promotion of human rights or of conflict resolution or reconciliation, or the promotion of religious or ethnic harmony or of equality and of diversity; (h) the promotion of the protection or improvement of the environment; (i) the relief of the needs resulting from young or advanced age, health problems, disability, economic difficulties or other disadvantage; (j) the promotion of the welfare and protection of animals.
These legal provisions should be a litmus test for any publicly acceptable technology, but not only that! The mission of private money, as first mentioned in “Biological and Artificial Intelligence: Mission Defined”, should be re-defined to service faithful activity. The algorithms behind robotic private banks should prescribe the mandatory ownership of smart contracts by charities. Then, the 800 years of history, when criminal money looted from Constantinople ruled the world, will be extinguished. The balance, though, is very fragile. Crypto-currency can potentially swallow up all good and bad money. This is a real playground of the world in defining the future of mankind.